MiCareerQuest Southwest Fall 2024 - Partner Commitment Form

Primary Contact Lookup

Please enter your full email address and select an option from the search results. If your email is not displayed, or you see an incorrect email address (if any), click the checkbox below to manually enter in your contact details.

Participation Options

Event Information

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsor levels and information

Platinum Sponsors $5,000 +

All Platinum sponsors will receive the following:

  • Prominent placement on MiCareerQuest SW sponsorship web page linking to your company web page Prominent display in Expo Center front lobby
  • Prominent display in front of Cluster/Pathway entrance
  • Corporate name on back of T-shirts and student handouts
  • Inclusion in Business Packet as Platinum Sponsor with company logo linking to your web page • Company logo featured in press release template which will be distributed in mass • Floorplan placement preference for event

Gold Sponsors $2,500 +

All Gold sponsors will receive the following:

  • Prominent placement on the MiCareerQuest SW sponsorship web page
  • Prominent display in Expo Center front lobby
  • Prominent display in front of Cluster/Pathway entrance
  • Corporate name on back of T-shirts and student brochure
  • Inclusion in Business Packet as Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors $1,000 +

All Silver sponsors will receive the following:

  • Prominent placement on the MiCareerQuest SW sponsorship web page
  • Prominent display in Expo Center front lobby
  • Prominent display in front of Cluster/Pathway entrance
  • Corporate name on back of T-shirts

Bronze Sponsors $500 +

All Silver sponsors will receive the following:

  • Recognition of thanks on the MiCareerQuest SW sponsorship web page
  • Recognition of thanks in Expo Center front lobby
  • Recognition of thanks in front of Cluster/Pathway entrance