Volunteer Survey
Your Experience
What experience/program did you participate with?
Overall, how was your experience with KRESA Career Connect? (Required)
What did you enjoy most about your experience?
What, if anything, would you change about your experience?
How prepared did you feel? (Required)
Is there anything you wish you'd have known ahead of time to help you better prepare?
How satisfied were you with communication from the KRESA Career Connect team? (Required)
Please include any comments you'd like to share, positive or constructive, regarding communication from our team (e.g. details, timeliness, etc).
Any additional comments you'd like to share about your experience overall? If so, please include them below.
MiCareerQuest SW
If you participated in the MiCareerQuest Employer Networking, how meaningful was the event to you?
MCQ Networking Rating API
Any additional comments you'd like to share about the MiCareerQuest Employer Networking? If so, please include them below.
Did you participate in MiCareerQuest Community Night?
Please select...
If you participated in MiCareerQuest Community Night, how valuable was the event to you and/or your company?
MCQ Community Night Rating API
Would you be willing to participate in MiCareerQuest Community Night again next year? (Please select all that apply)
Yes, same time frame as this year (3:30–7:00 pm)
Yes, with a new time frame of 3:30–5:00 pm
Yes, if the focus changes to a Job Fair
Any additional comments you'd like to share about the MiCareerQuest Community Night? If so, please include them below.
Future Contact
Would you like us to contact you to follow up with responses you have made on this survey?
I'm interested in future opportunities
If you're disinterested in future opportunities, why?
Lack of available time in schedule
No longer interested
Contact Information
Please enter your full email address and select an option from the search results. If your email is not displayed, or you see an incorrect email address (if any), click the checkbox below to manually enter in your contact details.
I don't see my email address
First Name
Last Name
Phone Numer
Email Address
Preferred Contact Method
Please select...
Company Name
I don't see my company name
Company Name (New)
Primary Industry
Please select...
Arts - Performance + Visual
Automotive + Transportation
Business, Management, & Administration
Construction - Builders
Construction - Electrical
Construction - Energy
Construction - HVAC
Construction - Mechanical, Electrical + Plumbing
Construction - Other
Construction - Plumbing
Construction - Undetermined
Cosmetology + Barbering
Education & Training
Finance + Banking
Finance + Banking - Accounting + Taxes
Finance + Banking - Financial Planning + Investing
Government + Public Policy
Greek Organizations
Grocery Store
Healthcare/Health Science - Care Facilities
Healthcare/Health Science - Chiropractor
Healthcare/Health Science - Dental
Healthcare/Health Science - Emergency Services
Healthcare/Health Science - Eye Care
Healthcare/Health Science - Medical
Healthcare/Health Science - Mental Health
Healthcare/Health Science - Other
Healthcare/Health Science - Pharmacy
Healthcare/Health Science - PT/OT/AT
Healthcare/Health Science - Undetermined
Hotels, Hospitality + Recreation
Information Technology
Law Firms
Marketing + Communications
Natural Resources + Conservation
Nonprofit/Community-Based Organizations
Public Safety Departments
Real Estate
Supply Chain + Distribution
Veterinary Science
Hidden Fields
Contact ID
Company ID
Contact Information